Sandy Spit

Sandy Spit

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Saturday Morning - Headed to Soper's Hole

With the dinghy at home on the back deck, we headed to return the boat to Soper's Hole, but not without a good rain shower on the way. A great trip with old and new friends.....

Friday, February 7, 2014

For the Clemson Fans...

We saw a Clemson flag hanging at Sydney's Peace and Love tonight.....

Friday - The Most Laughing of All

We pushed off from the dock of Scrub Island around 9:30 AM, give or take an hour (remember island time), and sailed toward White Bay (yes, White Bay again, so what?). A mooring ball was there yelling our name, so we grabbed it. Ken opted to stay behind and catch up on his reading, while the rest of us heading to do the usual routine:

  • Painkillers at Soggy Dollar
  • Bushwhackers at Gertrude's
  • Whatever the hell Seddy was serving at One Love
  • Cold beers at Ivan's

No disappointments, we had a blast. See the visual proof below.

Happy Anniversary Melissa and Mike D.

The sad part about these trips is that it is almost impossible to come up with the perfect schedule. For this trip, it happened to occur on Mike D. and Melissa's 17th anniversary (today - Friday). We definitely celebrated it in our own way, especially when Rick Springfield's Jesse's Girl was played at One Love. Click HERE FOR VIDEO.  Happy Anniversary Melissa - I love you very much.

Older Posts

I changed the layout to where only ten posts show at a time, due to the number and size of the photos. If you are just checking it out, be sure to click on "older posts" at the lower right to see the first round of photos.

Well Deserved Nap Time

Scrub Island Day

Thursday morning, we left Norman Island and headed toward Scrub Island for the day. It was a great sail! After Ken put the boat perfectly on the dock, it was off to the pool.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

On to Norman Island

After the Baths, we headed to Norman Island, well sort of. It took us awhile to decide where to go, which was a great problem to have. Once a decision was made, we had a great sail. Dinner at The Bight was excellent, with everyone getting either mahi or tuna.

Update on the Dinghy Olympics

Emma asked about the winner (or loser, depending on your perspective) of the poll on the right side of the blog. Phil has had the most votes, but has yet to fall into, or out of, the dinghy. He did wrestle with getting up the dinghy ladder when we returned from the Baths though. He earned a half a point for that. Roger "slid" into the dinghy while boarding from the sailboat. We didn't get a photo of it, but he was awarded one half a point. Mike D. slipped and fell while at the Baths, so he was given one half point, even though it was a non-dinghy related incident. A three-way tie for the lead! Plenty of time for scoring points, so who knows who the winner/loser will be.....

Wednesday - Join the Crowd at the Baths

Wednesday, we left North Sound and were fortunate to find an open mooring ball at the Baths. The weather was perfect, and Craig had fun climbing around on the rocks some. Going through all of the rock, there is basically one way in and out, and lots of the passageways are very tight. On our return to the boat, we discovered that a cruise ship had dropped off 150 people, and they were coming in our direction. It made for a tight fit, and a long line. People were not very happy.

Some of the underwater wildlife we have encountered....

One of the lines waiting to pass through a tight spot....

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Playing with the Panoramic Setting

Cocktails on Prickly Pear

After lunch, we grabbed a mooring ball at Prickly Pear, a cool little beach bar. Last night, we ate spaghetti on the boat and relaxed.